Dr Gail Atkinson – Head of Climate Change Science, Forest Research
Gail leads the Climate Change Research Group in Forest Research. Her research interests span alternative adaptation strategies to respond to the risks and opportunities from the future climate. This involves the development of climate change adaptation demonstration areas, guidance, case studies and collaboration to support the uptake of adaptive practice across the forestry sector. Gail holds a BSc Honours degree in Environmental Science (Plymouth University), an MSc in Environmental Management (University of Surrey), and an Engineering Doctorate (EngD) from University of Surrey on the improvement of greenspace creation on brownfield land. Previously she worked for the Environment Agency and the Forestry Commission.
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Chris Reynolds – Silviculture Project Leader, Forest Research
Title: Alternative timber species for Wales - Forest Research’s emerging species programme and species diversification to maintain and increase productivity.
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Robert Matthews – Head of Forest Mensuration, Modelling and Forecasting Science Group, Forest Research
Title: Quantifying the sustainable forestry carbon cycle - the potential for carbon sequestration, and GHG emissions avoided by the use of harvested wood products in place of other materials, that could be realised by creating different types of woodlands.
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Dr Roger Moore – Senior Entomologist, Forest Research
Title: Hylobius: the problem and its management - including plant protection through use of insecticides, fallow, and biocontrol.
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StJohn Ashworth, Timber Sales and Marketing Manager from NRW:
Recent pilots of alternative timber sales methods.
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Andrew Wright, Senior Specialist Advisor - Plant Health and Knowledge Transfer:
Harvesting and the challenges of the changing climate.
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Woodknowledge Wales - Gary Newman, Chief Executive:
Input from Woodknowledge Wales’s work, including the Home-Grown Homes 2 project.
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Confor (Confederation of Forest Industries) - Elaine Harrison, Wales National Manager:
Hosting an Industry Input session. Panel members include Ben Goh, Commercial Manager, Maelor Forest Nurseries Ltd.
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