The growth of digital has brought about a lot of change in how documents and data are handled, stored and shared. For many industries, paper filing systems, sharing files via email and reliance on a USB sticks are things of the past.


Instead of taking up large amounts of physical office space, facing barriers when email files are too large or managing security issues, an online file sharing platform can remove limitations and enable your business to be much more agile, accessible and safe in the digital world.


If you’re making the move to online file sharing or looking to implement best practice to make digital file management more efficient, here are 6 tips to help your business make the most of digital file sharing systems.


Ensure you choose a secure platform


First and foremost, choose a file sharing platform that offers a high level of security. Storing your documents online can be a great way to ensure better protection of your information compared to storing locally or physically. However, it’s important that you do some research to choose a platform that offers secure storage and backup.


Test the system


Alongside offering good security, it’s important to test the platform to ensure it meets your specific business needs. Are you getting good upload and download speeds? Are there any additional costs? Is the platform easy to use? Are there a range of features should you need to expand your usage? The Superfast Business Wales Software Directory offers a great overview of the range of file sharing software available. Download the free directory!


Define a file structure


Once you’ve decided on your file sharing platform, it’s vital that you start as you mean to go on! Defining a file structure will ensure that your documents are organised effectively and easy to access for all team members. This includes labelling folders properly, grouping documents appropriately and ensuring the most frequently accessed files are kept in a prominent location.


Maintain a consistent naming format


A consistent naming format will complement a clear file structure. Ensure you’re using file names that are consistent and make sense to team members. Giving staff the freedom to name as they please will make it simple for individuals to locate documents but can cause issues when searching for documents at a later date or when working collaboratively.


Ensure the whole team are using the platform effectively


It’s no good making the transition to online file storage and sharing if the whole team are not on board. If you already have a platform in place, or you’re just getting started, ensure each team member is aware of how the platform is being used and how it should be accessed. Making your file sharing and storage platform the primary, or only system used within the business can help to boost collaborative and more effective working.


Don’t let your documents get out of control!


If you are frequently storing documents on your chosen platform, it’s crucial that you don’t let it get out of control! You wouldn’t allow a physical filing cabinet overflow and take over the office and it’s equally as important to keep your online system in check. Don’t keep documents stored longer than is necessary and have a regular review of what’s stored. It will be much easier to manage on a regular basis than sporadically tackling a potentially huge number of documents.


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