Welsh National Marine Plan (WNMP): Ports and shipping

fishing boats

WNMP sector objective

To safeguard established shipping routes and support sustainable development in the shipping and ports sector.

What is the ports and shipping sector

The ports and shipping sector covers the construction, operation and maintenance of:

  • ports
  • harbours
  • terminals
  • marinas.

The WNMP recognises this sector as:

  • an area of priority for future development for Wales
  • a strategic priority for marine planning.

WNMP sector policies

P&S_01: ports and shipping (supporting)

P&S_01 a 
Proposals for ports, harbours and shipping activities will be supported where they contribute to the objectives of this plan. Proposals should comply with the relevant general policies and sector safeguarding policies of this plan and any other relevant considerations.

P&S_01 b
Relevant public authorities and the sector are encouraged, in liaison with other interested parties, to collaborate to understand opportunities to support the sustainable development of the ports and shipping sector through marine planning.

P&S_02: ports and shipping (supporting)

Proposals that provide for the maintenance, repair, development and diversification of port and harbour facilities will be supported where they contribute to the objectives of this plan. Proposals should comply with the relevant general policies and sector safeguarding policies of this plan and any other relevant considerations.

Sector map

View the ports and shipping sector on the Marine Planning Portal.

Relevant links

Welsh National Marine Plan