Our business directory will enable you to perform a search using a combination of keyword search, sector, sub-sector, division, region or postcode, alternatively you can use the map listings page and filter the results by sector, sub sector and division.

1010 Architects

We proudly offer the full range of architectural services from early feasibility design, detailed design, planning submissions / applications, tender, building regulation and construction drawings / information, construction team co-ordination and on site monitoring of our construction projects. Our...

Sector(s): Construction

16 Trinity Square

Serviced Offices, Meeting Rooms, Coworking, Projector and AV Hire

Sector(s): Finance and Professional Services, Information Communication Technology

24 Carrot Events

Marquee Hire

Sector(s): Tourism, Creative Services

360 | Business Recycling Group

At Business Recycling Group, we've led Wales' waste management and recycling sector since 2019. Born from a deep commitment to a carbon-zero future, we've redefined waste management with innovative solutions for Welsh businesses. We unite small enterprises and large corporations in a shared vision...

Sector(s): Energy and Environmental Goods and Services

3D Levelling Solutions Limited

Machine control levelling & grading with Bulldozers and Compact Tracked Loaders (Skidsteers). Up to +/-3mm Accuracy with Dual grade lasers in 2D or Up to +/- 5mm accuracy with TPS (Total station) in 3D

Sector(s): Construction

@Mercury Business Services

Supporting Wales Business Growth and Productivity Planning -Funding Preparation -Board and Risk Management Oversight -Crisis Resolution and Recovery Strategies

Sector(s): Finance and Professional Services

A & T Property Services

Property improvements and maintenance service. Services we provide - Fencing replacement / repair Decking replacement / repair Patio repointing / jet washing Wooden gates custom built / repaired General garden maintenance General outdoor plumbing Painting / decorating Fitting of interior doors /...

Sector(s): N/A

a and t executive travel

chauffeur services in Cardiff and south wales

Sector(s): Transport

A Class Drivers

Cardiff City Licensed Private Hire - Long distance taxi and airport transfer specialists

Sector(s): Transport

A J Ludlow Ltd

Manufacturing premium quality hand-made A J Ludlow brand of Professional Watercolours. Providing consultancy services and trainings in the following areas: * Colour and Coating Science; * Business and commercial; * Art, Culture and Wellbeing;

Sector(s): Creative Services

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This information is presented in good faith, however it is the commissioner / procurement team’s responsibility to ensure due diligence is undertaken on any supported business contracting procedure and subsequent contractual arrangements.

Current results: 950