Our business directory will enable you to perform a search using a combination of keyword search, sector, sub-sector, division, region or postcode, alternatively you can use the map listings page and filter the results by sector, sub sector and division.

Agentia Estate Agents

You gain access to our full team of marketers offering more than just marketing. We're your comprehensive creative ads agency, committed to getting your property in front of more buyers and sellers than any other Estate Agency in Swansea.

Sector(s): Property Management Services

Agile Web Development Ltd

Agile Web Development is an experienced, full service web studio covering the full range of web services. With over a decade of experience creating bespoke websites, we are perfectly placed to create a website unique to you and your business. We love building impactful and engaging websites that not...

Sector(s): Creative Services, Information Communication Technology

Aion Design Ltd

Creative Agency

Sector(s): Unknown


Airbond reduce waste and downtime in the textile and composite industries through the use of our specially designed pneumatic Splicers.

Sector(s): Advanced Materials and manufacturing

Airquee Inflatables

Airquee is Europes largest supplier of inflatable and bouncy castles. Providing great products, great service at great prices we are the home of inflatable innovation. Safe and cutting edge inflatables is what we do. So if you have an inflatable or bouncy castle in mind be sure to check us out today...

Sector(s): Advanced Materials and manufacturing

AJ Illustration

AJ Illustration is a Welsh artist and illustrator, based in South Wales. Specializing in a pointillism or dotwork style, her unique illustrations explore social and environmental themes with a twist. From logos to large murals, her surreal designs have been featured in films and magazines. Her shop...

Sector(s): Creative Services

AKC Home Support Services

Providers of domiciliary care and supported living to people with disabilities

Sector(s): Care Services

Albert Rees the Butcher

Suppliers of the finest meats, cheeses and deli produce.

Sector(s): Food and Drink
Welsh speaking

Aldryn LTD

Cloud technology experts. We create bespoke products that meet your every need to make your business more efficient, streamlined and ready for tomorrows digital challenges.

Sector(s): Information Communication Technology
Welsh speaking

Alexander Financial Management

Help businesses (large or small) reduce their commercial energy costs. We also advise on Business Protection e.g. Key Man Life Assurance & Key Employee Income Protection. Additionally are able to provide help and advice on Lifetime Mortgages, more commonly known as Equity Release.

Sector(s): Finance and Professional Services

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This information is presented in good faith, however it is the commissioner / procurement team’s responsibility to ensure due diligence is undertaken on any supported business contracting procedure and subsequent contractual arrangements.

Current results: 950