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Brand and Design - Brand Identities, Packaging, Digital and Print Communications, Copywriting, Photography, Styling

Sector(s): Creative Services

Lovell Photography

Modern, beautiful, colourful storytelling wedding photography. Based in Cardiff, South Wales and able to travel anywhere. Photography and videography services.

Sector(s): Creative Services


Ecommerce store selling false eyelashes. DIY lash extensions that can be applied at home, last all week & has gentle glue with no damage to your natural lash.

Sector(s): Unknown
Welsh speaking


Training of first aid, manual handling, mental health in the workplace, pet first aid and food safety

Sector(s): Education and Training

Lucky Leaf Bath Bombs

Online Retailer for Bath Bombs, Bath Bomb products, Soaps, Hair & Face Products, Home Fragrance and Candles

Sector(s): Retail

Lunar Networks Ltd

Purchasing and supply of telecommunications equipment.

Sector(s): Information Communication Technology

Lunia 3D Ltd

At Lunia 3D, we work with businesses and individuals to create new product design solutions based on innovative ideas. Since 2020, we've been transforming concepts into effective products and services. Our experienced designers are dedicated to transforming your abstract ideas into 3D models and 3D...

Sector(s): Advanced Materials and manufacturing


UKAS and CB accredited Lighting Test lab covering safety and performance testing across retail, industrial, horticulture, UVC, and many more.

Sector(s): Miscellaneous

M & S Vehicle Services Ltd

Vehicle Mechanics

Sector(s): N/A

M. R Handling

M. R Handling manufactures manual handling equipment including roll cage containers, turntable trolleys, A frame trolleys and Nested trolleys. Additionally, we are roll cage repair specialists and undertake trolley repairs and maintenance. We supply from strategically placed locations in the United...

Sector(s): Unknown

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This information is presented in good faith, however it is the commissioner / procurement team’s responsibility to ensure due diligence is undertaken on any supported business contracting procedure and subsequent contractual arrangements.

Current results: 950