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Assistant Anna | Executive Assistant

I partner with entrepreneurs, startups and CEO's on professional and personal projects. Retainers to suit all budgets. No tie-in. Visit my website to find out how.

Sector(s): Finance and Professional Services

ASW Accountancy Limited

Bookkeeping, accountancy and taxation services, based in Meifod, covering the Mid Wales and Shropshire area.

Sector(s): Finance and Professional Services
Welsh speaking

Atcost Windows

Upvc & aluminium window and door suppliers and installers. Serving commercial, retail and trade since 1992. We also have a trade counter supplying all plastic building products, sealants and tools. We also sell composite products such as decking and fencing.

Sector(s): Construction


We create content to open doors – doors to learning, fun, excitement and understanding. Atebol does 3 things: 1. We publish world-class authors and illustrators, bringing their stories to new audiences to enjoy in Welsh, English and other languages. 2. We foster multilingual learning, producing...

Sector(s): Creative Services
Welsh speaking

Atompi Academy

Tutoring service for sciences to high school children

Sector(s): Education and Training

Attryom Ltd (Trading as Carbon Lens Wales)

Carbon Lens Wales specialise in helping businesses and individuals to understand their carbon footprint and develop strategies to reduce their environmental impact. Working with Carbon Lens can help businesses save money on energy costs, promote a more sustainable approach to operations and benefit...

Sector(s): Energy and Environmental Goods and Services


Radio commercial creative and production services for advertisers, creative agencies, and stations.

Sector(s): Creative Services
Welsh speaking

Augustus Payroll Services

The Payroll and Pensions Team Limited, trading under the name Augustus Payroll Services – where expertise meets excellence in payroll management. Established in 2022 by Kay Augustus, a seasoned professional with over 22 years of experience in payroll and pensions, our company is dedicated to...

Sector(s): Finance and Professional Services

Autolec CCTV Ltd

Mobile solutions electrical engineers. Supply and install, CCTV, DVR's, Dash-Cams, Tracking services, FORS and DVS compliance, Forklift monitoring and safety, audits and repairs.

Sector(s): N/A

Awen Welsh Jewellery

We are a fine jewellery brand that designs and makes Celtic and Welsh jewelllery based in Treforest. Our online store can be found at awen-jewellery.co.uk

Sector(s): Retail

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This information is presented in good faith, however it is the commissioner / procurement team’s responsibility to ensure due diligence is undertaken on any supported business contracting procedure and subsequent contractual arrangements.

Current results: 950