Our business directory will enable you to perform a search using a combination of keyword search, sector, sub-sector, division, region or postcode, alternatively you can use the map listings page and filter the results by sector, sub sector and division.

Swan CD Computers

Computer and IT Sales, Repair and Support Business contracts, onsite visits, maintenance contracts Server, PC, Laptop, Apple, Tablets Sales, Repair and Support

Sector(s): Information Communication Technology, Retail
Welsh speaking

Swansea & Gower Sash Windows

Swansea & Gower Sash Windows repair, restore, and conserve wooden sash windows in Swansea, Mumbles, Gower, and across South Wales. From fixing a single sash window, to fully restoring, servicing, and draught-proofing an entire property, there's no job too small or too large.

Sector(s): Construction

Sweet and Nostalgic Ltd

Online Retailer of 20th Century Memorabilia Gifts and Retro Sweets

Sector(s): Retail

Swiss Vans HQ

New modified vans for sale and van rental. We serve the whole of the UK.

Sector(s): Retail, Finance and Professional Services


Swyddle enables you to find the most appropriate bilingual candidate for your organisation in a cost-effective way. • Advertise jobs which require Welsh language abilities and skills. • We offer a Recruitment Service to find candidates (permanent and temporary) who have Welsh language skills.

Sector(s): Finance and Professional Services
Welsh speaking

Sylvan - Woodland and Agroforestry

Sylvan are a small team based in West Wales specialising in sustainable woodland management and agroforestry. We offer a complete land management service, from planning and design, to implementation and management. Our background of farming, forestry and conservation, combined with our knowledge of...

Sector(s): Farming and Forestry


Performance Management and Business Strategy solutions. Business insights via dashboard pages and interactive reports providing total visibility, deep insights from your data and actionable meaningful information. Intelligent Reporting, Forecasting, Predictive Analytics and What If scenario...

Sector(s): Information Communication Technology

Synergy Professions

Established in 1999, we arrange funding for the Professions sectors. From financing HMRC liabilities through to longer term working capital loans. Our team are dedicated to sourcing the best possible financial solution for your Practice, whether you are a sole practitioner or a large multi partner...

Sector(s): Finance and Professional Services

T & T Web Design

A small family web design business that now concentrates more on Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and website security. Affordable rates aimed to help new startups and small businesses with limited budgets compete in today's business world.

Sector(s): Creative Services

Talkworks Training & Development Ltd.

Talkworks Training & Development Ltd was established in 2013 to provide transformational coaching & training programmes as well as management, business & interpersonal skills training Working with individuals, teams & organisations to improve service provision - offering: • Staff Supervision skills...

Sector(s): Education and Training

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This information is presented in good faith, however it is the commissioner / procurement team’s responsibility to ensure due diligence is undertaken on any supported business contracting procedure and subsequent contractual arrangements.

Current results: 950