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TS Packaging Ltd

Contract Packaging, Vacuum forming , Clam packaging, Blister Packing, shrink wrapping , shrink sleeving and Hand assembly work under taken

Sector(s): Advanced Materials and manufacturing

TSW Training

Established in 1966, TSW has nearly 60 years of experience in delivering results-driven learning solutions to improve people and business performance throughout the UK. A UK leader in Learning & Development offering Leadership & Management, Personal Development, Environment and Sustainability...

Sector(s): Education and Training
Welsh speaking

TUV SUD Ltd T/A Dunbar Boardman

Vertical Transportation Consultancy Services Lifts, Escalators, Moving Walks

Sector(s): N/A


TwoFold is a website design company. We help service businesses get a website which reflects their company, is easy to update, and converts visitors into customers.

Sector(s): Creative Services, Information Communication Technology

Ty Enfys Nursery

Day nursery in Swansea caring for children 6weeks- 12 years old.

Sector(s): Care Services

Ty Gwyn Holiday Cottage - Llanbedr DC - Ruthin

Ty Gwyn is a luxurious holiday cottage located in the village of Llanbedr Dyffryn Clwyd, an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB), and only 2 1/2 miles from the historic market town of Ruthin. Also within walking distance of the Offa’s Dyke Path you are surrounded by history and wildlife. You...

Sector(s): Tourism

Tyn y Berllan

Fruit trees nursery selling apple and pear trees grown in Wales - many of them Welsh varieties with historical interest to the region. We have over one hundred and fifty eaters, cookers, cider, and perry varieties suitable for everything from the traditional orchard to the home garden.

Sector(s): Farming and Forestry


Tyre Glider is a unique and innovative way to remove and install your bike tyres, patent pending and design protected in UK

Sector(s): Retail

Uk Firewood Processing Ltd

Sales of firewood & logs in the Gwynedd area including Pwllheli LL53 & the Llyn Peninsular.

Sector(s): Farming and Forestry

Union Wills

Here at Union Wills, we have your best interests at heart and will use all of our experience in the industry to help you make the right decisions for yourself, your estate, and of course, your loved ones.

Sector(s): Finance and Professional Services

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This information is presented in good faith, however it is the commissioner / procurement team’s responsibility to ensure due diligence is undertaken on any supported business contracting procedure and subsequent contractual arrangements.

Current results: 950