Our business directory will enable you to perform a search using a combination of keyword search, sector, sub-sector, division, region or postcode, alternatively you can use the map listings page and filter the results by sector, sub sector and division.

Walsh & Partners

Walsh & Partners is a marketing agency that is based within Cardiff.

Sector(s): Finance and Professional Services
Welsh speaking

Walsh & Partners SEO

Walsh & Partners is an SEO agency that's based within Cardiff.

Sector(s): Unknown
Welsh speaking

Warren Proofreading

Professional editor. Copyediting, line editing, proofreading and manuscript assessment for fiction authors and publishers (English language).

Sector(s): Creative Services

Wartens Ltd

WARTENS helps manufacturing and production environments optimize their operations through innovative solutions like PLC programming, SCADA programming, and robotics integration.

Sector(s): Advanced Materials and manufacturing

Wash Cycle Ltd

A sustainable, delivery laundry service operating in Cardiff. Offering collections, Wash, dry, fold and returns in 24 hours straight to your door

Sector(s): Transport

Waste Wizards Wales

Waste wizards Wales are south wales newest waste management company, but with over 16 years experience in the waste management and recycling industry we are certainly not new to the job! Fully insured and registered with Natural Resources Wales as a higher tier waste carrier, Our aim is to provide a...

Sector(s): Property Management Services


Amplifying your brand and digital presence through exceptional creativity and insight. Waters Creative was founded on a passion for design. We believe that great design can make a real difference in the world and we’re committed to creating brands and user experiences that are both beautiful and...

Sector(s): Creative Services
Welsh speaking

Wattech Ltd

Wattech Ltd provide Electrical Safety Testing (PAT) and also provide event production services through out Wales.

Sector(s): N/A, Creative Services, Information Communication Technology, Construction


Specialist Motor dealer for Land Rover & Range Rover vehicles & parts

Sector(s): Transport

Weartech International Ltd

Manufacturers of Cobalt- and Nickel-based wear-resistant alloy consumables and engineered components for global market.

Sector(s): Advanced Materials and manufacturing

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This information is presented in good faith, however it is the commissioner / procurement team’s responsibility to ensure due diligence is undertaken on any supported business contracting procedure and subsequent contractual arrangements.

Current results: 950