Programme and Management Contacts

Programme Management Team – via SER CMYRU 


Independent Evaluation Panel: This will function in a similar manner to a research board of a national Research Council and all scientific decisions will be made on the basis of merit, as assessed by peer review, with no ministerial or civil service input.  Members of the scientific and business community will be asked to consider fellowship applications once yearly in the first three years of the five year SIRCIW. The panel was recruited through an open and transparent competition.

Membership is given in the table below.  This Panel will ensure compliance with strict governance protocols, in line with the guidelines followed by UK Research Councils, and pay particular attention to appropriately addressing conflicts of interest.  Each panel member will act as rapporteur for one or more proposals at the panel meeting, giving their comments and scores on each.


Wendy Ewart

Chair, Independent Consultant in Biomedicine, former Deputy CEO, MRC


Graham Davies

Emeritus Professor, UNSW, Australia


Peter McGuffin

Emeritus Professor, King's College London

Professor, Sir

John Enderby

Emeritus Professor, Bristol University


Alan Palmer

Entrepreneur and Visiting Professor (UCL & Reading)


Robert Beynon

Head of Dept of Biochemistry, University of Liverpool


Marlene Sinclair

Professor of Midwifery, Ulster University


Xiao Yun Xu

Professor, Chemical Engineering, Imperial College London


David Toll

Professor, School of Engineering and Computer Sciences, Durham


Nigel Brown

Emeritus Professor, University of Edinburgh


Nigel John

Professor, Dept of Computer Science, University of Chester


Andris Bankovskis

Independent Energy Consultant


Programme Beneficiary Board:  The ‘Programme Beneficiary Board’ is chaired by Chris Hale, Head of Operations, Chief Scientific Adviser's Division. 

Other members include senior Welsh Government staff; Chief Executive HEFCW; and the Pro-Vice Chancellors for Research of the partner universities.

Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) Oversight Group: This will be a group of three people with experience of sitting on ethical review panels and/or expertise in equality and diversity issues.  This group will oversee the management of ethical issues and receive annual reports on the way RRI issues are being addressed through the programme and by individual awarded fellowships.  It will be appointed soon through open and transparent competition.