Welsh National Marine Plan (WNMP): Fisheries
WNMP sector objective
To support and safeguard a sustainable, diversified and profitable fishing sector including promoting sustainable capture fisheries and optimising the economic value of fish caught as a supply of sustainable protein.
What is the fisheries sector
The Welsh commercial fishing sector is a diverse industry. In Welsh waters, the focus is on:
- crustacean and molluscan shellfish, and
- finfish including bass, plaice and sole.
The WNMP recognises that commercial fishing is key to employment in rural coastal communities. The economic and social value of the sector is more than the first sale value of fish and fishery products. It also has cultural and heritage links, and adds to local identity. The WNMP encourages opportunities for sustainable diversification to increase the value of existing activities and catch. It also highlights the need for future planning to address the challenges of climate change.
WNMP sector policies
FIS_01: Fisheries (supporting)
FIS_01 a
Proposals that support and enhance sustainable fishing activities will be supported where they contribute to the objectives of this plan. Proposals should comply with the relevant general policies and sector safeguarding policies of this plan and any other relevant considerations.
FIS_01 b
Relevant public authorities and the sector are encouraged, in liaison with other interested parties, to collaborate to understand opportunities to develop a strategic evidence base to improve understanding of opportunities for the sustainable development of fisheries in order to support the sustainable development of the fisheries sector through marine planning.
Sector map
View the fisheries sector on the Marine Planning Portal.