Domestic abuse counsellors work with Social Business Wales to create community support centre

a man and woman talking

Heroes Rights CIC is a social business which helps families deal with issues such as domestic violence, substance abuse and mental ill-health. Its team of trained counsellors were already providing essential support to families in crisis, but wanted to go one step further and develop a dedicated community support centre. Help from Social Business Wales has helped them take the first steps to realising this ambitious goal.

What support did they need?

Heroes Rights CIC is run by Tammi Owen and Max Chadwick, both trained counsellors and wellbeing practitioners who have extensive experience of working with families who are at breaking point. They work with people whose relationships are in crisis, and give them support to stop abusive behaviour such as domestic violence, self harm, criminal behaviour and substance abuse.

Tammi and Max wanted to develop their approach under one roof with the establishment of a community support centre. They asked Social Business Wales to help them develop a business plan so they could start talking to partners and finance providers.

How did we help?

SBW worked with the Directors to produce a full business plan, and also trained the new community Directors in the rights and responsibilities of being a company Director.

Impact of our support

The business plan has already helped Heroes Rights attract support from local partners such as the Rotary Association and Chamber of Commerce.

Both Directors feel confident about their plans and are currently negotiating with the local authority and Big Lottery to help them secure a suitable premises.

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