Social Business Compliance Introduction

Compliance is how well a business follows the legal and regulatory requirements that govern its business

Young social business members meeting at a cafe table

It is essential that you understand what is required of your social business and that you have all the processes in place to make sure you are complying with the law.

When you start a social business there are various legal and regulatory aspects of that business which must be considered and complied with. These vary depending on the nature of the business, the legal structure you have chosen for your business, and the activities undertaken.

Social businesses must consider both their one-off compliance obligations when the business starts and their ongoing obligations. Good legal and regulatory compliance is seen as a key part of running a successful social business.

These pages address the main requirements that should be considered by those setting up a social business and is intended to help you and those involved through some of the compliance issues.

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The guide uses the following key terms to cover a range of meanings: