Supply chain finance

Supply chain finance focuses on minimising the cash held by your suppliers, tied up in stock or waiting to be released by customers.

This in turn maximises the amount of cash held by you.  

Supply chain finance is perhaps the most common form of financing used by social businesses. If you maximise the amount of cash in your business, you might not need to look at external sources of finance.

Looking at the cash to cash cycle  of a typical enterprise, we can see that staff costs and material costs are paid out before cash is received in from customers. The working capital requirement for an enterprise includes the money tied up in stock and work in progress plus what customers owe for earlier deliveries. 

The more an enterprise expands, the greater its turnover and its working capital requirement will be. Many enterprises have failed by missing this simple point. Despite operating profitably and marketing successfully, they have been unable to raise the cash to pay for inputs, leading to dislocation, low productivity, and loss.  

Working capital can be kept to a minimum through good management. Work backwards around the cash to cash cycle to see where you can make an impact.

Below, we look at the different aspects of the supply chain and identify ways you can maximise profits at each step: 

Download our guide to business cash flow for a demonstration of supply chain finance: