Superfast Business Wales digital adviser Alyson Eyval reveals easy ways to take your digital marketing to the next level to help you get noticed and create sales

Freshen up your website

If your website looks old and outdated you can be sure that anyone who visits your site won’t hang around for long.

To get the best out of your website and keep your visitors engaged, you need to ensure that your content is regularly refreshed, and your software and security are kept up to date.

Keep on top of Google Algorithm changes

Google updates its algorithms 1000’s of times a year. Most of the time these updates won’t affect your website, but sometimes the changes will mean you need to adjust your SEO strategy completely.

One example is the mobile update. Google now rewards mobile optimised websites. This is because most Google searches are carried out on smartphones…yet despite this we still see websites that don’t fit mobile screens.

To keep up to date with Google’s algorithm changes, follow SEO experts and monitor your Google Analytics for any unexplained changes in website performance.

Social proof

Be aware of social proof - “the phenomenon where people copy the actions of others”. When applying this to digital marketing think reviewers and influencers.

When people shop online, they look for reviews and recommendations. And they’re much more likely to buy a product or service with 100 five-star reviews rather than one with only 20 two-star reviews.

So, make a conscious effort to get reviews, whether it’s on your website, across social media or Google – they all help to build a more trustworthy brand.

Influencer marketing

Working with an influencer can help expose your brand to a wider audience.

People follow influencers because they like their content and trust in their recommendations. Keep an eye out for local nano/micro influencers. These tend to have close relationships with their community and can be a cost-effective route to market.

Working with an influencer can take time. You can either do your own research and reach out to one you feel is suitable or use an influencer agency to help you.

Recycle your evergreen content

Good quality content tends to be shared, linked to, and clicked on - that is the content you want to use.

But not all content needs to be brand new. Look at your analytics to find your most popular historic blog posts and give them a make-over.

Written content can be turned into a presentation, an infographic, or even better a video, which we’ll talk about next.

Get visual with video

Video content continues to grow. It’s easy to digest, is often entertaining and engaging and can be used across multiple channels.

Remember, most people watch videos on social media without sound so make sure you’ve prepared for this by adding subtitles or captions.

And finally…

Speak to an expert

Remember, you don’t have to do this alone. Get in touch with Superfast Business Wales and register onto our free programme of support. You’ll be able to access one-to-one advice from a business adviser like myself, as well as a range of free webinars and lots more online tips on our Info Hub.


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