Just as potential customers would walk past a messy, unorganised and cramped shop front, the same stands for your website. If your website is confusing to navigate, difficult to use and overloads visitors with information, you’re likely to lose their interest and put them off coming back.


However, some simple changes to your site could help increase visitors, boost conversion and grow your online presence.


Here’s 8 top tips to keep your website user-friendly and visually-appealing, without unnecessary clutter!


Review your website step-by-step


Look at your website and analytics to understand the different types of user journey across your site. What are visitors looking for from your site? Is it easy to get there or are the steps confusing? Read our useful blog here on how to simplify the user journey.


Take the opportunity to think about what is and isn’t working, as well as evaluate the site for errors or inconsistencies. Is text formatted correctly and uniformly? Is the tone consistent? Is the grammar correct? Can you easily read text? Are images pixelated or not loading? Is your branding up-to-date?


Streamline your navigation/home bar


Getting this right is crucial as it is the central orientation point for your entire site.


Your navigation bar should be simple. It should guide users, allowing them to find information quickly and easily. Don’t overwhelm them with information.


Whether your navigation bar is single level, or multi-level with drop downs, it’s important that you think about why it’s organised this way and whether you can eliminate unnecessary tabs.


This useful MashableUK article compares different types of navigation bar and the features you should consider.


Remember less is more


Remove excess information and only include text, imagery and links/buttons that will encourage or help visitors to make a decision or take action.


All content or copy should have a clear purpose. Avoid repetition and make sure all text is easy-to-read and keeps the reader’s attention.


Remove out-of-date elements


This sounds simple but it’s easy to forget when you’re trying manage the rest of your job!


Keep note of time-sensitive material as it goes onto the site and remove it when appropriate. For example, you don’t want to advertise a Mother’s Day offer when the date has passed. It makes your website look stale and unmanaged, reflecting badly on the brand.


Review loading times


Don’t let your hard work go to waste by having broken links or slow loading times. Check all your pages load effectively and respond quickly. If a user struggles to navigate through your site or it takes too long to load, you’re likely to lose them.


Clear CTA buttons


Make it as easy as possible for visitors to take the desired action.


Your call to action (CTA) buttons should be prominently placed and give a clear, direct indication of what you want the user to do. Read our handy blog here on how to create effective call to actions.


Quality imagery, branding and videos


Your site should be easy-to-use but also visually pleasing. How can you balance using images and videos whilst also leaving enough ‘white space’ on your site so it doesn’t feel cluttered or overrun?


All imagery should be on-brand, good quality and load properly.


Prominent contact details


Don’t hide your contact details. Make it simple for customers to get in touch with you quickly.


Alongside a clear ‘contact us’ page with your address, email address, phone number and social media links, you may decide to have your phone number at the top of the homepage.


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