Boosting employee productivity is not only great for your business but it can help improve staff morale too. By encouraging more effective working through better use of technology you can increase outputs of high quality work, create a great working environment and allow more time for creative thinking and working on additional projects. 

How can you utilise technology to improve the productivity of your employees?


Connect on the cloud


The cloud is a great platform for storing documents and data remotely, rather than on physical hardware in an office. As projects on the cloud can be managed from one platform and accessed from wherever employees are based, the team can stay better connected, work collaboratively and always on the most up-to-date version of files. 


Hold video conferencing meetings


Video conferencing tools allow multiple people in various locations to take part in virtual ‘meetings’. This can encourage more effective and timely communications as it cuts out time wasted on travelling and delays on discussions. As well as cutting out wasted time, this form of communication can be used regularly to hold team meetings, engage with clients and customers, and encourage employees to collaborate and share progress updates and ideas.  


Flexible working


Utilising digital technologies such as the cloud and video conferencing, and portable devices such as tablets, laptops and smartphones, your employees can be mobile and agile. With the ability to communicate with clients, customers or other members of the team, and access the documents they need, employees can work away from the office or out of ‘normal’ working hours. This flexibility could help to improve employee satisfaction and, therefore, boost productivity. 




By making the most of tools that analyse performance (for example, web analytics), you can set goals, monitor progress and review where changes need to be made. By understanding how your business and its activities are developing, you can ensure employees are working effectively on projects and make targeted improvements where necessary. 


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