Follow these 10 tips to make the most of your online marketing activities.

Know your market

Who are they? How did they find you? Take a browse of some of the users following your Twitter and Facebook accounts.

Where are you starting?

Audit your website and social media accounts to give yourself a good base to build on.

Keep optimised

Make sure websites and blogs are optimised for search engines or you won’t be found.

Think mobile

What can you do to reach this new level of interaction? Could you create an app to help with your service?

Get social

Use social media as an advertising tool and also a way to contact your customers. Create a new Twitter #hashtag for your business.

Consider the customer experience

How can you make sure your customers keep coming back and are satisfied? Don’t let them forget you. Set up an e-newsletter offering special deals or coupons.

Be consistent

Keep your voice consistent over every platform. Make sure all staff updating the sites know the tone you want to put across.

Monitor yourself

How are you doing? What can you do with this data? Use Google Analytics for your website statistics.

Keep an eye on trends

What’s new? What’s popular? How can you interact with that? Use Feedly to update you on new posts from technology and online marketing blogs.

Stay alert

Don’t get complacent. Be innovative. Experimenting with new ideas is how you’re going to find what works best for you.

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