1. Skills

It is important that people who visit Wales enjoy themselves whilst they are here. If our visitors have a good time in Wales then they are more likely to return and recommend us to others. People are our most important asset in helping make this happen. 

There are many resources available to help you develop the right skills for you and your staff.


2. VisitBritain

VisitBritain is the strategic body for inbound tourism and the national tourism agency for Britain. VisitBritain deliver:

  • insights, trends and market research for international visitors to the UK
  • regular bulletins about Global and UK tourism trends
  • information about the economic and demographic drivers of tourism
  • data on volume and value of visits to Wales by international visitors 

VisitBritain also produce a series of detailed international market profiles, including information on size and value of different geographical markets, visitor characteristics, motivations for travel and activities undertaken in the UK.

Here are links to other websites with useful information relating to tourism statistics, research and insights.

VisitBritain Research 

VisitScotland Research 

VisitEngland Research 

Tourism Northern Ireland 

Office for National Statistics 


3. Photography and Video B-Roll

We have an online asset library of over 30,000 images of Wales and an up-to-date catalogue of pan-Wales HD video footage for use as B-roll, including ground and aerial from drone and helicopter. Both are available without fee for non-commercial usage. 

You can register for access to search and download photography at assets.wales.com.

For access to the b-roll catalogue, or if you are looking for something specific, please contact: imagesupport@gov.wales.

4. EU Package Regulations 2018

EU Package Regulations: The Package Travel and Linked Travel Arrangements Regulations 2018

What could be the impact to your business?

Gov.UK has provided Guidance for businesses to help them comply.

Visit the national website to read the Package Travel Regulations in full.