Community Delivery (pilot): Public Access Project

The aim of this pilot project is to explore the potential for Powys County Councils Countryside Service to engage with communities around the county and vice versa. To train up volunteers to look after public rights of way, priorities work load for themselves and then run it by the Council. The workload will be for maintaining and repairing routes that are already open, and therefore it would not be the case that volunteers will be negotiating opening up new paths that have not been used for many years, or the landholder is not aware of their existence. Opening up public rights of way that have never received attention, will still remain the responsibility of Countryside Services.

Project details

Funding amount:
EAFRD (WG RC_RDP Wales) contribution
Funding source:
LEADER Local Development Fund
Community Delivery Public Access Project
Community Delivery Project with Powys Countryside Services and the Vale of Montgomery Rural – VMRC


Mark Stafford-Tolley
Telephone number:
01597 827677
Email project contact

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