Cludiant Ni (Our transport)

The project Cludiant Ni; 1. Will carry out a feasibility study to scope the potential for increasing the range of Community Transport services within a 15-mile radius of the centre of Corwen and further afield as required by those in need of transport in the deeply rural areas of North Wales. 2. To produce a comprehensive Business plan from the analysis of the feasibility study that is ready to action 3. Provide a comprehensive list of funding sources enabling us to fully pilot the services identified in the feasibility study.

The outcome of this project will be a study that has scoped the potential for increasing the range of Community Transport services in South Denbighshire A costed up business plan ready to action potential projects. This project will be a stepping stone to obtaining other funds to carry out the piolt projects identified thus making it a viable enterprise.

Project details

Funding amount:
Funding source:
LEADER Local Development Fund


Helen Williams
Telephone number:
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