Welsh Government’s Economic Resilience Fund (ERF) has helped protect 63 jobs at Wrexham manufacturer Isringhausen GB Limited.

The company, which is based on the Redwither Business Park, is an important employer in the region and supplies seating systems for a range of vehicles to brands across the world.

To support the company, the Welsh Government has provided £63,000 which has protected jobs that might otherwise have been lost due to the economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic.

The ERF, which is part of Welsh Government’s £2 billion plus support package for businesses, is providing thousands of companies across Wales with significant financial support and has already helped to safeguard 125,000 jobs. The fund complements the help provided by the UK Government.

Steve Szabo, Operations Director of Isringhausen GB Limited, said:

The last year has been extremely difficult and challenging due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

We at Isringhausen are grateful for the vital support provided by the Welsh Government’s Economic Resilience Fund.

This support has helped us navigate through the year enabling us to protect and retain our complete workforce of 63 employees whilst supplying a diminished market.

Going forward we will continue providing a service to our customers and a stable working environment for all our employees, who we wish to thank for being so flexible throughout this unprecedented period of uncertainty.

Economy Minister Ken Skates said:

Since the beginning of the pandemic, we have provided a substantial package of support for Welsh businesses, delivered at pace, worth more than £2 billion. This is the most generous offer of help for businesses anywhere in the UK.

The Economic Resilience Fund has been key to our efforts to protect companies, jobs and livelihoods from the severe economic effects of the virus, and I am pleased it has provided crucial financial assistance to Isringhausen GB Limited in Wrexham at a time when they needed it most.

As a government, we will continue to do all that we can to protect our businesses and our people from the effects of this crisis.