church - Cynnal y Cardi

The Cynnal y Cardi Local Action Group (LAG), which implements the LEADER scheme in Ceredigion, wants to hear from anyone needing support with scoping out the possibilities for a community facility or building in order to develop it as a community enterprise.

Cynnal y Cardi, which is administered by Ceredigion County Council, can help with aspects such as assessing potential options for the proposal and appraising its future viability; networking, consultation and engagement activity to support evidence of local need and demand.

The closing date for submitting details of proposals is 12pm on Tuesday 1st of June 2021. Following the closing date these will be reviewed with a small number successfully proceeding as part of a package of activity.  

The LAG is eager to support local enterprising ideas particularly those that improve the area, neighbourhood, and/or community for the benefit of its residents in Ceredigion. Community ownership enables local people to take control of the important spaces and buildings which matter to them locally, to meet the priorities and needs of the local area.

LEADER, which aims to support innovative responses to opportunities or challenges faced by rural communities, is supported through the Welsh Government Rural Communities – Rural Development Programme 2014-2020, which is funded by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and the Welsh Government.

Further information is available at: 

We would encourage initial discussions regarding eligibility to take place with the Cynnal y Cardi Team. To discuss your proposal and for information regarding eligibility of support email the Cynnal y Cardi team on All submissions are welcome in Welsh or English.