Marine Clean Cymru

After the success of Spring Clean Cymru earlier this year, Keep Wales Tidy is calling upon volunteers to dust off those trusty litter pickers and pledge their support to Marine Clean Cymru, an autumn campaign targeting rivers, waterways, and beaches across Wales. The campaign is part of Caru Cymru (a Welsh phrase meaning ‘Love Wales’) – the biggest ever initiative to eradicate litter and waste. 

Marine litter is a growing threat to our aquatic and coastal environment, with 80% coming from land-based sources. Most litter found in our waterways eventually makes its way into our oceans, an issue which isn’t only relevant to coastal areas. The problem needs to be stopped at the source keeping our beaches and waterways clean so wildlife can thrive, and we can make the most of our beautiful environment.

This year, Keep Wales Tidy has teamed up with the Marine Conservation Society, targeting beaches around the Welsh coast and Marine Clean Cymru will coincide with the Great British Beach Clean, the UK’s largest national beach cleaning and litter survey programme. The aim is to gather vital data that will be used to identify the specific problems our seas and coasts are facing.

Marine Clean Cymru is returning for the first time since October 2019 before the pandemic and runs from Friday 16 September to Sunday 2 October 2022, targeting all waterways 

throughout Wales, including rivers, streams, canals, and estuaries. From your favourite beach to the quiet stream in your village, you can make a difference and help tackle marine litter.  

Aside from improving your local environment, litter picking is a great way to enjoy the great outdoors at one of the most wonderful times of the year. 

Keep Wales Tidy Chief Executive Lesley Jones said: 

“Our rivers and seas are incredibly important to all of us, and together with our partner the Marine Conservation Society, we want our waterways to be cleaner and healthier. It's not acceptable that plastic bottles, carrier bags, cigarettes and food wrappers can be found in every waterway in Wales - it's time to take action. We're appealing to people of all ages to get involved and help us make a positive difference." 

To find out how you can get involved in an organised event in your area or set up your own, visit the Keep Wales Tidy website:

Marine Clean Cymru received funding through the Welsh Government Rural Communities - Rural Development Programme 2014-2020, which is funded by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and the Welsh Government.