Byw a Bod Digidol

Details of that project and evaluation included in section 6. A key challenge the ICT companies in Gwynedd and Anglesey are facing is recruiting suitable employees to work in the sector, and some of the companies are considering relocation in order to access employees. This challenge fits with the Arloesi Local Development strategy as retaining young people in the area is a key priority.
Therefore Arloesi has worked with the Gwynedd Digital Forum, which also includes representatives from the Bangor and Aberystwyth Universities and Gwynedd Council and we have been in contact with the economy department in Anglesey Council in order to develop this pilot project. The project will seek to accomplish the following: It should be emphasised that the target audience for the project is young people aged 17 25 in Gwynedd & Anglesey that are making career choices, rather than people from outside North West Wales

Project details

Funding amount:
Funding source:
LEADER Local Development Fund
Welsh Cooperation Projects


Rachel Roberts
Telephone number:
01766 514057
Email project contact

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