Business Details

Business description
ACLC Air Conditioning have 20 plus years of experience in the air conditioning industry, ACLC Air Conditioning is your trusted partner for all your air conditioning needs in Swansea, Cardiff, West Wales, South Wales and across Wales. Our fully certified team specializes in a wide range of services, including air conditioning installation, maintenance, and repair. We also offer refrigeration services and comprehensive HVAC installations. At ACLC Air Conditioning, we pride ourselves on delivering exceptional customer service and eco-friendly solutions tailored to both residential and commercial clients. Whether you need a home air conditioning unit, office air conditioning, or industrial air conditioning systems, we have the expertise to ensure your environment remains comfortable and efficient all year round. Our Services Include: Air Conditioning Installation: Professional installation services for residential, commercial, and industrial air conditioning systems. Air Conditioning Maintenance and Service: Regular maintenance and prompt service to keep your units running smoothly. Air Conditioning Repair: Quick and reliable repairs to minimize downtime and restore comfort. Refrigeration Service: Expert refrigeration solutions for various applications. HVAC Installations: Comprwhatehensive HVAC installations for optimal climate control. Why Choose Us: 20 Years of Experience: Extensive industry knowledge and proven expertise. Fully Certified Technicians: Highly trained and certified professionals. Great Customer Service: Dedicated to providing excellent customer experiences. Eco-Friendly Solutions: Committed to sustainable and environmentally friendly practices. For all your air conditioning and HVAC needs, trust ACLC Air Conditioning to deliver quality service and reliable solutions. Contact us today to schedule a consultation or service appointment.
Business Turnover
Under 250k
Number of Employees

Branch Location - Carmarthenshire

Contact Name
Liam Cording
Contact Position
Branch Address

Pen-Y-Banc Road
SA18 3EA
United Kingdom

How many people does your branch employ?
What was the turnover of this branch in the last financial year?
Under £250k
What types of operations does your business have in Wales?
Do you export?
Which, if any, of the following terms would you use to describe your organisation? (Please tick all that apply)
None of the above

Energy and Environmental Goods and Services

Sector Type
Energy and Environmental Goods and Services
Subsector / Division
Installation, service, repair and maintenance needs of refrigeration/air condition components