Business Details

Business description
At National Training Hub, we specialise in providing high-quality workplace training tailored to meet the needs of various industries. Our experienced and qualified trainers deliver engaging and practical courses for a range of subjects. We offer flexible training options, including in-person, online tutor-led, and self-paced learning, ensuring convenience and accessibility for your staff. Located in Cardiff, we pride ourselves on our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction, with dedicated account management and no minimum annual spend. Enhance your workforce's skills and safety with our comprehensive training programmes.
Business Turnover
Under 250k
Number of Employees

Branch Location - Cardiff

Contact Name
Daniel Sage
Contact Position
Branch Address

Floor 4
14 Museum Place
CF10 3BH
United Kingdom

How many people does your branch employ?
What was the turnover of this branch in the last financial year?
Under £250k
What types of operations does your business have in Wales?
Do you export?
Which, if any, of the following terms would you use to describe your organisation? (Please tick all that apply)
None of the above

Education and Training

Sector Type
Education and Training
Subsector / Division
Vocational - other