Our business directory will enable you to perform a search using a combination of keyword search, sector, sub-sector, division, region or postcode, alternatively you can use the map listings page and filter the results by sector, sub sector and division.

MH HR Consultancy Ltd

MH is a leading Human Resources Group providing outsourced HR admin, employment law and training advice and guidance to a wide range of different clients. We support companies across the UK in all business sectors including private, non profit and charity based. With a range of different products...

Sector(s): Finance and Professional Services

Michael in the Garden

I am a qualified gardener (RHS Level 2 Diploma in the Principles and Practices of Horticulture) with a particular interest in sustainable, environmentally and wildlife-friendly gardening, kitchen gardening a speciality, I will help you maintain, plant or plan your garden. Previous experience...

Sector(s): Farming and Forestry, Property Management Services

Microsmith Electronics Ltd

Microsmith Electronics Ltd is a repair centre located in Newport, South Wales, Gwent. Our workshop is based in Langstone, Just outside of Magor not far away from the M4 giving us great links to Bristol, Cwmbran and even Cardiff, We also operate a mobile workshop, so if you cant come to our workshop...

Sector(s): Information Communication Technology

Mid Wales Design

We specialise in high quality website and graphic design – from updatable business websites to ecommerce solutions and custom content management systems, logo design and corporate branding, all backed up with our extensive range of complementary services including: promotion, training, website...

Sector(s): Information Communication Technology, Creative Services

Mid Wales Storage and Distribution Centre Ltd

Mid Wales Storage Centre is a self access storage centre based in Machynlleth. Whether you are looking to store furniture or extra household items or need to clear some space in the office, short term or long term our storage facilities offer the perfect solution to your storage needs. Our aim is to...

Sector(s): N/A
Welsh speaking

Mildef uk Ltd

Providing Tactical I.T solutions such as Rugged Laptops, routers, switches, handheld PDA' s, tablets and screens to the Military and defence sectors.

Sector(s): Defence and Security


Welsh Soy Candle Company

Sector(s): Retail
Welsh speaking

Minibus Ltd

Specialises in the sale, adaptation and leasing of minibuses.

Sector(s): Retail

MK Enterprises (UK) Ltd

MK Enterprises (UK) Ltd is a small company based in North Wales specialising in the design and construction of timber engineered structures and environmental contracting, within the outdoor leisure industry. Also design and construct artificial ski slopes and toboggan runs.

Sector(s): Construction, Miscellaneous

MM Electronics Ltd

Sector(s): Advanced Materials and manufacturing

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This information is presented in good faith, however it is the commissioner / procurement team’s responsibility to ensure due diligence is undertaken on any supported business contracting procedure and subsequent contractual arrangements.

Current results: 950