Our business directory will enable you to perform a search using a combination of keyword search, sector, sub-sector, division, region or postcode, alternatively you can use the map listings page and filter the results by sector, sub sector and division.

Arcadia Pharma


Sector(s): Health Care and Complementary Therapy

Architen Landrell Manufacturing

Architen Landrell is a specialist tensile fabric company that designs, engineers, manufactures, installs, and maintains some of the world's most inspiring tensile fabric structures, ETFE systems, and fabric canopies.

Sector(s): Advanced Materials and manufacturing

Arfon Consulting Ltd

A boutique economic consultancy focussing on advising the public and private sectors on the delivery of major infrastructure projects, achieving social value in procurement, and UK subsidy control mechanisms.

Sector(s): Finance and Professional Services
Welsh speaking

Arts Factory Design

Social Enterprise Graphic Design Studio producing print, digital and online marketing communications.

Sector(s): Creative Services

Aryma Ltd

Specialise in artwork for high end interiors, marquetry.

Sector(s): Advanced Materials and manufacturing

ASH Waste Services LTD

Sector(s): Miscellaneous

Aspire and Learn Ltd (T/A Aspire 2Be)

Creating bespoke digital solutions from strategic direction, software solutions and professional development across education, business and sport.

Sector(s): Education and Training

asset International Structures Ltd

Our purpose is to deliver sustainable infrastructure to our clients, by providing solutions built for the future and designed for life. We're helping to maximise safety through off-site modular construction and minimising embodied carbon within our products. Asset’s approach is to deliver concise...

Sector(s): Construction


Assetivo is a modern consultancy that supports industrial clients with their asset management, reliability and condition monitoring needs. From top floor asset management strategy to shop floor failure-prevention tactics, we strive to be your trusted partner in getting full life cycle value from...

Sector(s): Finance and Professional Services

Assist U

Whether you’re looking for roadside assistance or breakdown recovery, the Assist-U team is here to help.

Sector(s): Transport

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This information is presented in good faith, however it is the commissioner / procurement team’s responsibility to ensure due diligence is undertaken on any supported business contracting procedure and subsequent contractual arrangements.

Current results: 950