Visit Wales Adventure Activity Assurance Scheme nominated Technical Consultants

'Good practice’ within the adventure and outdoor recreation activity sector includes regular engagement with a technical advisor/consultant to support the provider’s assessment of risks, identification of the safety measures needed with management arrangements to give effect to these measures, and a sound knowledge of hazards and accepted ‘good practice’ as to what is reasonably practicable to ensure the safety of participants. 

The Visit Wales nominated Technical Consultants have been nominated for their:

  • proven level of technical competence within the adventure activity sector
  • good knowledge of the environment(s) in which adventure activities are undertaken
  • access to, knowledge and understanding of the management of adventure activities
  • understanding of the processes of an assurance scheme in relation to meeting the relevant legislation, scheme criteria and standards of ‘good practice’
  • maturity to make suitably and sound judgments

The nominated Technical Consultants for the Visit Wales Adventure Activity Assurance Scheme are:
North Wales:
•    Andy Newton – 07702 905208 -
•    Mike Rosser – 07767 386470 -
•    Adam Harmer - 07971189514 -

South Wales:
•    Gary Evans - 07836 748752 -
•    Paul Marshall - 07776 196460 -
•    Tom Partridge - 07725 172949 - ​​​​​​​

Pan Wales - for all cycling and mountain bike providers:
•    Dan Cook -