Funding amount:
EAFRD (WG RC_RDP Wales) contribution

Project Description:

The project will deliver the ‘community engagement’ aspect of a programme being developed by ARG UK and ARC (Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Trust) who are working in partnership to develop a National Adder Conservation Strategy to prevent this iconic, but vulnerable native snake from slipping into extinction in large parts of England and Wales.

Project Outcomes:

Raising awareness and reducing fear of adders among the general population in Pembrokeshire and thereby contributing to the conservation of adders, which are an endangered species. Reducing the risk and long-term effects of adder bites in humans and pets through information about what to do if a person or pet is bitten to ensure that correct treatment is sought in a timely manner. Increase community engagement with nature and increase understanding of biodiversity. Production of a legacy education toolkit that can be used by schools and community groups to help with conservation beyond the project lifetime. 

“Excellent site. Very informative. Adders are not the dangerous beasts they are made out to be, but they do deserve respect and tolerance and for US to be careful, especially in hot weather.”

Lessons Learned:

The issue we encountered was of insufficient administrative time within the grant was the main lesson learnt.  In future we will cost applications more carefully and realistically and be more cautious about what can be done within the timescale.

We will also have more defined supplier contracts so they are aware they need to keep receipts and keep to timescales.

Future applications and projects will be better managed because of our experience with this project.

Further project information:

Dr Angela Julian
Telephone number:
01865 872162
Email project contact
Project website: