Bloomfield Older People's Project

The association intend to employ a Project Developer to investigate the need for facilities for older people in the local community, including luncheon clubs, health and wellbeing classes, volunteering opportunities and to work with the onsite Lee Davies Day Care Centre to possibly extend provision. The Day Care Centre is currently operated by Pembrokeshire County Council. The association would also like to investigate the viability of operating the facility should the local authority withdraw funding in future budget cuts.

The association are currently seeking funding to implement a new communication system and wireless network at Bloomfield House Community Centre and would like to explore ways in which this could be beneficial for older local residents.

The Project Developer will produce a feasibility report and business plan for the association taking in to consideration current and future users and currently unused capacity at the centre. They will be required to organise a series of 4 events at Bloomfield during the project to collect data from local residents which will culminate in an evaluation report and business plan. They are also required to engage with 12 volunteers during the project.

Project details

Funding amount:
Funding source:
LEADER Local Development Fund


Janine Perkins
Telephone number:
01834 860293
Email project contact
Project website:

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