CAVS - Rural Volunteering Project

This project is designed to ensure communities in rural Carmarthenshire with access to service issues are provided with meaningful volunteering opportunities. CAVS will aim to do this by employing a Volunteering Development Officer who will set up 6 HUBS across rural Carmarthenshire.

These HUBS will be used to train individuals and potential organisations to become volunteer ready. The officer will identify and work with organisations and communities to encourage them to recognise the value of engaging volunteers, and will assist placement organisations to develop suitable opportunities. Childcare will be provided whilst the volunteers are being trained and during volunteer taster sessions.

An existing vehicle will be utilised to take the service to the most rural of areas. Through its activities CAVS has found that transport and childcare are barriers to rural volunteering. This project aims to address these barriers through an outreach service. The officer will also work with communities looking at developing volunteer led leisure opportunities in response to the findings of the rural poverty study.



Project details

Funding amount:
Funding source:
LEADER Local Development Fund


Grant Cole
Telephone number:
01267 242431
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