HIVE Connect Pilot Project

The HIVE project concept has been conceived by the Institute and is new in that it provides a fully flexible roadmap for local people to embark on a personal development journey with many aspects of the support they need under one roof. With key workers supporting each individual, they will be given intense 1:1 support and mentoring that will incorporate listening, practical and emotional support, referrals to other practical support and advice, health, finance, housing and family support.

Combining this with more traditional adult learning, and work experience through volunteer placement, as well as healthy cookery skills, HIVE Connect will be a transformative support journey. Our enquiries and experience indicate that many aspects of the support offered are not available elsewhere in a comparable format in the locality and the holistic nature of the support offered by the HIVE Connect project is unique.  

Project details

Funding amount:
EAFRD (WG RC_RDP Wales) contribution
Funding source:
LEADER Local Development Fund
1, 2, 3


Tracy Garnett
Email project contact

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