Upper Haythog Farm Development

Upper Haythog Farm is a third generation, family run farm enterprise. Situated in the village of Spittal, five miles North of Haverfordwest in Pembrokeshire, it has been the home to the Scale family since 1946. It has always been a traditional mixed farm with enterprises including sheep, cereals, potatoes and turkeys. The farm has mainly been run as an arable unit, combining cereals and potatoes, with the sheep being restricted to land that was deemed unusable for ploughing.

The business is currently run by father and son - Peter and Robert Scale. Robert has a young family and is concerned to ensure a sustainable future for the family in light of fluctuating markets and changes in the Basic Payment System.

The following investments proposed are in on-farm activities necessary for putting the farms product (potatoes) to the first point of sale. This is in line with Welsh Assemby’s eligibility criteria and examples given such as: on-farm preparation of horticultural products before sale to a wholesaler.

  • Controlled environment Storage £70,000 Year 1 – expansion of potato production
  • Chilling Unit and installation £45,000 Year 2
  • Potato Storage Crates £56,000 Year 2
  • Concrete flooring and yard £15,000 Year 1
  • Forklift £25,000 Year 2
  • Rainwater harvesting £20,000 Year 3 – water for animals and irrigation
  • Einbock scratch seed drill £4,000 Year 1 – low till re-seeding of poor ground
  • 50,000 kwh solar panels £60,000 Year 3 - Solar PV panels will generate some of the farms energy requirement and enhance its green credentials.

Project details

Funding amount:
Funding source:
Sustainable Production Grant

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