Cerddi Cymunedol

Canolfan S4C Yr Egin are pleased to present the ‘Cerddi Cymunedol’ project. Throughout lockdown, loneliness and a lack of space to discuss feelings were clear across the country, so in response it was decided to offer creative sessions alongside the Mentrau Iaith in Carmarthenshire. The aim was to provide a safe space to share experiences, think creatively, develop Welsh language skills and to engage as a community.

The project has produced four community poems, all created by the people of the county on themes that are important to them – their habitat, feelings and life during lockdown.

The Mentrau Iaith that were involved in the project were Menter Gorllewin Sir Gâr, Menter Bro Dinefwr and Menter Cwm Gwendraeth Elli alongside the young theatre company ‘Mess up the Mess.’

An opportunity was given to 35 individuals to participate in over 11 sessions in with professional poets and emerging poets. Award winning poet, Aneirin Karadog, worked alongside a vibrant group of Welsh learners from Menter Cwm Gwendraeth Elli, the renowned poet Tudur Dylan Jones with Menter Gorllewin Sir Gâr community and a brilliant opportunity was given to the young emerging local poet Megan Davies to create in the company of Menter Bro Dinefwr community and the young people at ‘Mess up the Mess’.

Aneirin Karadog said:

“Having the opportunity to engage with people at their homes (although from afar, over the internet) was invaluable, in terms of the efforts of people learning Welsh and getting to know more people. The opportunity to create poetry on top of that was amazing, deep emotions that had accumulated as a result of the past seven months and poetry was a perfect way to express those feelings and experiences”

The online sessions to create the poems was an opportunity to provide a safe space for people to be open about their experiences and creativity during lockdown and an opportunity to learn new poetry skills and language.

“As I'm quite new to my role as Engagement Project Officer at Canolfan S4C Yr Egin, I was eager to get to know the members of the community in Carmarthenshire” said Llinos Jones “Although the lockdown stopped me doing this face to face and to visit these communities personally, I had a great time listening, discussing and talking to individuals weekly, and it was lovely to hear people supporting each other during this difficult time. It was a pleasure to work alongside the Mentrau Iaith with this project as we ensure that the people of Carmarthenshire benefit from the development of Canolfan S4C Yr Egin. I really hope we will be able to come together to create again, and who knows, we may be able to do this face to face soon.”

On the 12th of November there will be an evening to celebrate, socialise and listen to all the poems by the participants. Creative films of the poems have been carefully crafted by Nia Ann Jones, reflecting the communities of Carmarthenshire. The work will be released to the public on Yr Egin’s YouTube channel and social media on the 13th of November.

For more information on the project or to discuss future projects and opportunities at Yr Egin contact Llinos Jones llinos@yregin.cymru / helo@yregin.cymru

This project is funded by the Welsh Government Rural Communities – Rural Development Programme 2014-2020, which is funded by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and the Welsh Government.

Canolfan S4C Yr Egin is a dynamic centre that is home to S4C’s main headquarters as well as a number of companies and organisations working with the creative and digital industries. It’s also a centre that’s at the heart of the community providing opportunities for local people to enjoy the building and its resources.