Vet checking pigs

Menter Moch Cymru will be offering an extra boost for Welsh pig farmers to lift herd profitability and performance by improving herd health.

Over the past few years Menter Moch Cymru have provided financial assistance for pig herd health planning. Eligible pig farmers have been able to access 80% funding towards an initial herd health plan, followed by further support in subsequent years for its review.

This year, Menter Moch Cymru are stepping up a gear and offering 100% funding as an extra boost for pig farmers to ensure a herd health plan that will ensure efficiency on their farms.

To highlight the importance of an effective herd health plan, Dr Alex Thomsett will join Menter Moch Cymru in a special webinar that will focus on what’s involved in health planning for a pig herd on May 27th at 6.30pm.  Visit the Menter Moch Cymru to register your interest in the webinar.

Dr Alex Thomsett said: "Pig farmers can improve the health, welfare and productivity of their pigs through health planning"

“Effective herd health planning can encourage development of a disease prevention programme and outlines disease control measures that are appropriate for your farm.”

The Menter Moch Cymru project is funded by the Welsh Government Rural Communities – Rural Development Programme 2014 -2020, which is funded by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and the Welsh Government.

This additional boost of funding builds on the free training, support and information resources that the project provides for pig keepers in Wales. It delivers against the project’s commitment to helping farmers achieve on-farm efficiency and drive best practice in proactive animal health planning.

Pig industry expert Mick Sloyan said; “One of the biggest impacts on profitability is the health of your herd, if you have poor pig health, you have poor performance and your cost of production will be higher.”

“You need to be on top of your game. Herd health plans are a no-brainer, if you don’t plan for the health of your herd you are taking an enormous risk.’’


One farmer who has seen a considerable difference to her pig herd and farm finances since embarking on the herd health plan is Gwenno Pugh of Penmynydd Farm, on Anglesey.

There are currently 30 sows on the farm and in the past few years, Gwenno has been working to make the pig enterprise more business focussed. She finishes around 550 pigs a year and plans to have all Welsh sows on the farm eventually

Gwenno said: "I would definitely encourage people to take up the Herd Health Plan through Menter Moch Cymru. Through blood testing and vaccinating the pigs, I now have fewer problems with my herd.”

Melanie Cargill, Menter Moch Cymru Project Manager added, “Herd health planning can have a significant impact on the efficiency and bottom line of a pig enterprise.”

“The additional financial support will help farmers to work with vets to put health plans in place and monitor their effectiveness over the years to come. This is a great opportunity for Welsh pig keepers in Wales to assess the health of their herd and, with the assistance of their vet, establish a practical, tailored health plan to improve productivity and profitability.” 

Christianne Glossop, Welsh Government Chief Veterinary Officer said “Over the years this initiative to raise disease awareness on Welsh pig farms has become particularly important. Pig Health Planning including good biosecurity are important in preventing the introduction and spread of disease within individual farms and across the national herd.”

Over the past few years, Menter Moch Cymru, in partnership with the Wales Veterinary Science Centre, Animal Health Services and Iechyd Da, have been delivering bespoke CDP training for Welsh Vets to ensure they are confident and knowledgeable on how to carry out a herd health plan for a pig enterprise. 

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