Bluestone Vocational Training Academy of Wales feasility study

This project is for a Feasibility Study, Business Plan & Operational Plan and will outline a network of industry-led training academies for, and run by, the tourism industry. Stage 1 is a Pilot Academy in Pembrokeshire which will create the template for a national roll-out. National and international networking will be key, and will enable student mobility, sharing of knowledge & best practice, a global employment pool and international recognition for Wales. The academies are designed to be a vocational rather than academic route to a career. Not everyone is built for a formal school environment and would be better suited to the work based learning framework. Those that do attend college need to spend extra time in a vocational learning environment to equip them for the working world. These practical skills are essential to the tourism industry and currently are not adequately provided for by the existing training and education provision.

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Project details

Funding amount:
EAFRD (WG RC_RDP Wales) contribution
Funding source:
LEADER Local Development Fund
Tourism & Hospitality Vocational Training Academy of Wales Study


Emma Davies
Telephone number:
01834 862440
Email project contact

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