Mynydd Maen Amalgamated Commoners Association Commons Innovation Project

To develop Mynydd Maen and surrounding commons into a regional centre for rural innovation, best practice and skills training. A Study has been commissioned to; Building on the SE Wales Upland NRMP Plan for SE Wales, consult with commoners to create costed and integrated site specific proposals.

In particular:

  • Audit what is already being done and by whom and develop heather and bracken management proposals, including innovative use of bracken and heather waste.
  • Identify diversification / cost saving opportunities (e.g. utilising gorse for fodder, bracken for bedding), micro hydro and other renewable potential.
  • Identify ‘rural craft’ opportunities based on current skills and aspirations. If external assistance is required, identify potential collaborators.
  • Outline a plan for a trial of different habitat management techniques in different areas a) for the benefit of other hill farmers and b) to provide education opportunities – bracken and heather.
  • Create a plan for ongoing repair of dry stone walls through a training approach.
  • Identify pond creation opportunities to improve stock management, enhance habitat and deter off roaders.
  • Produce costed, practical proposals for bog restoration and repair. viii. Produce proposals for effective commons signage and interpretation  

Project details

Funding amount:
Funding source:
LEADER Local Development Fund


Alvin Nicholas
Telephone number:
01495 742418
Email project contact

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