Craft Festival

The Crafts Festival will pilot a series of crafts events during September 2019. The main festival weekend will take place on 21st-22nd September, but with a series of masterclasses and open studios across the rural vale in the weeks before and after the main weekend.

There will also be study trips, and a toolkit developed.

The Festival took place across the rural Vale from 14th – 29th September, with the main festival Makers Market taking place in Cowbridge on Friday/Saturday 20th/21st September.

The main festival in Cowbridge was well attended with varying success at the other locations across the Vale. The masterclasses also varied in success, but the general feedback from the makers was that they felt it was a success, with many exhibiting or selling for the first time, claiming that the whole experience had been really positive, and that they had grown in confidence, were grateful for the opportunity and that they now felt part of a makers community.

During the debriefing session with a number of festival volunteers and makers, there was a general will from the group that they would like to form a committee and manage both the network going forward, and the associated events, which is a great outcome and one that the LAG had hoped to achieve by suggesting the festival activity. The committee have now formed and are working on a constitution and exploring funding opportunities for future events.

Project details

Funding amount:
Funding source:
LEADER Local Development Fund
Vale of Glamorgan


Nicola Sumner-Smith
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