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Swansea Rural Development Partnership are pleased to announce their support of the project Nature Area for Outdoor Learning delivered by Bishopston Primary. The Partnership has successfully allocated £5,000 of funding through the Welsh Government Rural Communities - Rural Development Programme 2014-2020, which is funded by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development. 

Hamish Osborn, of Natural Resources Wales and Chair of Swansea Rural Development Partnership said

“the Local Action Group is pleased to be supporting the Nature Area for Outdoor Learning project. We see merit in developing spaces that will not only encourage biodiversity, but also provide a valuable learning tool for our younger generation to gain an understanding of the importance of caring for our environment”.

Nature Area for Outdoor Learning project is a response to pupils of Bishopston Primary and local community who want to encourage Outdoor Learning, through the creation of a dedicated nature area, which can be used every day as a working area for children.  

The school will contribute to the aims of Swansea Local Delivery Strategy by improving health, maintaining and enhance biodiversity; reducing their carbon footprint; and crucially improving knowledge and understanding of our natural environment.  

John Owen, Head Teacher at Bishopston Primary School commented:

“The school is delighted to have been successful in its RDP grant application. The money will be put to transforming a corner of the school grounds, which is currently a real mess, into a nature area for children to work and learn in.  As technology presses more and more into peoples’ lives, it is vital that children are being connected to the outdoors. We hope that over many years, hundreds of children will benefit from this and develop a love for nature which they sustain into adult life.”

For further information on Swansea Rural Development Partnership and associated projects or funding support, please contact the Swansea RDP Team by emailing