Mewndir Mn

Pump priming activity to challenge the communities for Leader ideas - This is one of the recommendations emanating from the Welsh Adventure Packages study and involves filming initially 2, not very often visited communities in inland Anglesey Llannerchymedd and Gwalchmai. The intention is to research the history and other interesting things about then challenge the community to respond to its own failings and successes with a view to attract visitors from the island honey pots to inland Anglesey and thereby encouraging economic growth. 

The film will consist of ad hoc street interviews with a good cross section of the community including business owners which will be filmed in a sensitively and humorous way and the use of a drone to spy on community characters (with their approval of course) 
The above activity will challenge local peoples knowledge and aspirations and explore what makes them different The types of questions asked will be:- 
  • Where has the village name come from? 
  • What is the most memorable thing about your village? 
  • If Gwalchmai was an animal, what would it be? 
  • How many ns are there in Llannaerchymedd? 
  • Who is the funniest, most famous, angry, loveliest person in Llanerchymedd and why? 
  • Which is best, Gwalchmai Uchaf or gwalchmai Isaf and why? 
  • Which is the most Welsh community? This film when produced will be shown on you-tube and facebook/twitter via a commissioned social media campaign designed to challenge and attract comments, with a view to getting people really thinking about their community and generate feedback and ideas on how to energise in-land Anglesey via the LEADER approach.

Project details

Funding amount:
Isle of Anglesey

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