Our business directory will enable you to perform a search using a combination of keyword search, sector, sub-sector, division, region or postcode, alternatively you can use the map listings page and filter the results by sector, sub sector and division.

Women's Business Club Wales

Empowering women to succeed in business. From startups to SME and beyond, we are championing your success through tailor-made events, products and services to meet you where you are at in your business journey, empowering you to succeed!

Sector(s): Finance and Professional Services
Welsh speaking

Wood U Believe It Ltd

Manufacture of wooden outdoor educational play equipment

Sector(s): Retail


Crafted in Wales, Handmade Wedding Rings More than just jewelry, our wedding rings are handcrafted works of art, each one unique and designed just for you. From delicate bands to bold statements, we offer a range of styles to perfectly complement your love story. Sustainable Gold: Recycled Precious...

Sector(s): Retail


Wootzoo is an online marketplace for nurseries, teachers and coaches to market to and communicate with parents.

Sector(s): Education and Training

Workplace-Worksafe Ltd

We supply Personal Protective Equipment and branded workwear/corporate wear, as well as specialist transportation products for the energy sector

Sector(s): Energy and Environmental Goods and Services

Works Naturally Skincare Ltd.

Manufacturer and Brand owner of SLIPSTREAM Cream, an innovative anti-chafe skincare product.

Sector(s): Health Care and Complementary Therapy

Wrexham Bean Co.

Coffee roasters, specialising in both retail and wholesale speciality coffee

Sector(s): Food and Drink
Welsh speaking

Wrexham Premier Radio CIC

Premier Radio is Wrexham’s brand new radio station that was born during the first Lockdown of the Covid pandemic as a tool to help with communication, give information, cope with stress, mental health, loneliness and other issues while local people were in isolation. The station was set up by Mark...

Sector(s): Creative Services
Welsh speaking

Writing Services

Writing Services provides specialist skills to help voluntary and public sector organisations, and small businesses, to share their stories, advocate the value of their work, and bring their brands to life. As well as copywriting, article writing and editing, we specialise in advocacy communications...

Sector(s): Creative Services

Wyeden Limited

Advice & Coaching for people / organisations seeking to change or transform their operating models. Different because we bridge / translate business and IT, ensuring clarity on the key holistic practical activity needed to successfully deliver. Our focus is humans first, customer centric and data...

Sector(s): Information Communication Technology

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This information is presented in good faith, however it is the commissioner / procurement team’s responsibility to ensure due diligence is undertaken on any supported business contracting procedure and subsequent contractual arrangements.

Current results: 950