Funding amount:


The Bronllys Well Being Project aimed to be another ‘first’ for Wales: an innovative and imaginative proposal that would secure (when realised) the Well Being Park Community Hub. This will offer huge prosperity, major comfort and well being for local people from the range of new provision, as well as securing an upgraded Health Campus. It will provide a positive future for the Health and Wellbeing Services within the local Bronllys Community Hospital site.

This project proposed a wide range of initiatives to augment the vital existing facilities to increase the wellbeing of the residents of Bronllys, Talgarth, Hay and surrounding communities. These initiatives aim to improve local transport, increase truly affordable housing, promote sustainable energy and locally-based employment opportunities, enabling local people to fully utilise and enjoy the extensive and beautiful grounds of the precious community asset of Bronllys Hospital.


BWBP CLT Ltd, a Community Benefit Society were to work in coproduction Powys Teaching Health Board and Powys County Council, as tasked by Welsh Government to develop a Well Being Park with the Community Hospital at the heart. A change of management in the PTHB proffered initially covert challenge to the project which further materialised over life of the project.


BWBP undertook studies to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposals put forward by the community, designed pilots and small starter projects, set up networks, embraced engagement when offered and updated proposals to be basis for the promised consultations with PTHB. Additionally BWBP would research alternative funding not available to statutory services.


Our findings from the seven feasibility studies provided clarity and set a direction for developing the preferred option into firm proposals. The Vision Drawings and a new proposal document ‘Next Ten Years’ form a basis for the promised consultations with the PTHB. These proposals have gained endorsement from many people in addition to Local people and County Councillors, including Sophie Howe (Future Generations Commissioner for Wales) and Helen Howson (CEO of The Bevan Commission) AM Kirsty Williams, the recently retired Archbishop of Wales John Davies and Michael Sheen also has provided a short video clip in support of the launch of the document. 

When realised the Well Being Park Community Hub will offer huge prosperity, major comfort and wellbeing to local people from the range of new provision as well as securing an upgraded Health Campus at its heart.


Our local elected members and our wider communities now have excellent proposals which have been supported to be delivered and presented for discussion with PTHB Execu<ve Team. A range of pilots and small projects have been designed and will be available for implementation when permissions are granted. 

The Next Ten Years document proposals have been determined through robust public engagement and presented was as per local communities’ thoughts and wishes which gained widespread agreement and compelling support.

They include networks for Transport, truly affordable Housing, Leisure facilities, Energy and Conservation which enhance Health and Well-Being, that in turn can build up and continue to address and support the Well Being Park’s development and will contribute to an enlarged stakeholder cohort. 

To determine the ultimate outcome is that PTHB has recommitted to Bronllys remaining a hospital site a[er partially moving out in 2018. This enabled the Bronllys Hospital to play a major role as a vaccination centre during the Pandemic. PTHB however have not been able to engage fully and appear currently to lack the capacity to do so (probably due to inadequate staffing) to deal with this multi-faceted project. 

Efforts will be made to continue to offer support and to reset the tripartite working relationship and gain confidence in the proposals and the wishes of the local community. BWBP Board continues to progress the Health and Well Being Park Community Hub proposals s and endeavours to ensure these community led initiatives will be implemented in practice on the Bronllys site.

Project Aims, Outputs/Outcomes

What will success look like? 

  1. An excellent working relationship between PTHB, PCC and BWBP with a full tripartite agreement and a signed Memorandum of Understanding between all partners. 
  2. Completion of proposals full business case and action plan, with budget and finance agreement.
  3. The implementation of the phased programme over the next ten-year period

Further project information:

Lydia Powell
Telephone number:
01597 827378
Email project contact