Funding amount:

1.    Introduction 

Purpose of the project was to look at the potential of having a multi use space in Powys which could be used as a facility/centre to learn Welsh intensively rather than having to go to Nant Gwrtheyrn near Pwllheli at great expense. V4 were contracted to carry out a feasibility study then Sgema were contracted after the feasibility study had been completed to carry out initial market engagement going from the findings of the feasibility study. 

2.    Challenge 

Identifying a suitable site which wouldn’t involve too much capital expenditure or investment. Hence a process of elimination of options was undertaken 

3.    Solution 

We identified the former Outward Bound/leisure facility at Staylittle as a potential base as it was surplus to the need of the Local Authority and vacant. 

4.    Benefit 

This was the right choice as it meant there was no need to build a new building or too much investment and there was a willing partner in the Local Authority. 

5.    Result 

It meant we could focus on a feasibility study on one building and site and come to clear conclusions as to the viability and potential usage by partners such as Aberystwyth University, Urdd and Say something in Welsh.com. The report from V4 and Sgema have in summary concluded that at the current time there is no significant interest or commitment into taking the proposed project forward as it stands.

Part of the project was to look to provide an intensive welsh learning experience a potential partner was identified in the Urdd who had previously had a tentative interest, this was explored further but unfortunately they said they do not wish to pursue their interest any further. The National Centre for Learning Welsh were contacted as a potential partner but again this was not something, they were interested in.

Further project information:

Elwyn Vaughan
Telephone number:
01686 629487
Email project contact