Funding amount:
EAFRD (WG RC_RDP Wales) contribution

Project description:

The aim is to undertake a feasibility study of the amenities and localised facilities at one of our key destination sites Port Eynon. Following on from the completion of this study we would have a working document that could be used to implement change as and when funding streams become available.

What will the project achieve?

Following on from the completion of this study a working document will be produced that could be used to implement change as and when funding streams become available.

At Port Eynon SCC service and operate an amenity facility as well as car parks, boat parking and slipway. A number of these facilities are outdated and not fit for purpose. They therefore need to be updated, modernised and improved to meet the growing demand of the various activities and visitor numbers that the village is receiving.

Through undertaking an in-depth study the aim is to identify these issues and take a holistic approach in looking at the site. This will focus on not only the toilet facility but car parking, road layout and public realm including the sand dunes and beach itself. The study will also look at ways in which members of the public access the beach along with the sand dunes and how they interact with that environment.

The long term aim is to enhance the facilities and in turn create year round sustainable tourism at Port Eynon that will support the local community and economy.

Who are the project beneficiaries?

Local beneficiaries will include; Centurion Lifeguard Club, Port Eynon Boat Club, Gower Activities Centres, Port Eynon Community Council, Port Eynon YMCA as well as local businesses.

Businesses will benefit from improved infrastructure and services resulting in a better experience to those visiting the area. 

With improvements to the site more visitors will be encouraged to not only visit more frequently but stay longer contributing to an improved local economy.

What was the result of your project?

The project identified opportunities to create year round tourism that would benefit the communities of Port Eynon and Horton. These opportunities should they be developed would enhance not only the local economy through providing jobs and opportunities for people local to the area but give visitors the opportunity to undertake activities throughout the year especially in the shoulder season.

The feasibility study focused on not only food/beverage but also recreational opportunities such as walking, surfing and wildlife watching. These activities would need local experts to deliver in turn bring additional revenue into the local communities.

The project identified opportunities to create year round tourism that would benefit the communities of Port Eynon and Horton. These opportunities should they be developed would enhance not only the local economy through providing jobs and opportunities for people local to the area but give visitors the opportunity to undertake activities throughout the year especially in the shoulder season.

The study also identified measures that can be implemented to make visiting the area more appealing for tourists such as improved access and infrastructure, improving visitor experiences in-turn encouraging return visits.

1 Feasibility study produced 


Further project information:

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