Funding amount:


This project was a small grant scheme for smaller groups and projects across Powys which would otherwise lack the capacity to access Welsh Government and European funds.  The groups were offered the support to do so in a manner commensurate with the size of the funding awarded.

The project operated under the theme of health & wellbeing and was linked to supporting organisations and projects that had developed or adapted services to support people during the Covid 19 pandemic, and which needed to adapt again to changing needs as the process of recovery was started 
The grant scheme sought to support projects that piloted new and innovative ways of delivering small scale health and wellbeing activities designed and delivered through local community actors.


To enable smaller organisations to access Welsh Government and European funding through animation and mentoring of formal and informal volunteering groups in Powys.  The scheme was also live at a time when there were several other grant schemes open to the sector that were focussing on trying to support the third sector through the difficulties caused by the pandemic, which had an impact on the level of applications received.  The pandemic also had an impact on the reporting, as groups were so focussed on delivery.


The fund was open to applications from constituted voluntary groups, third sector organisations and social enterprises with an annual income less than £100,000.  Informal community groups/networks who wished to apply could do so by collaborating with a constituted group who could act as the lead applicant. PAVO Development support was available to assist informal groups with this.

The application had to clearly demonstrate how the activity would continue beyond 2021.

Applicants could apply for up to a maximum of £4,000. The fund was to support revenue costs. Capital spend was limited to a maximum of 10% of the total bid. 

Match funding of at least 20% had to be contributed.

Match funding could be in the form of either cash or in kind contributions from the public, private or third sectors.  

With PAVO acting as the grant making body, we could simplify the reporting requirements that accompany European funding.

The first round failed to secure sufficient applications to spend the grant pot in full, so the Arwain Officer suggested we hold another round.


  • Enabled smaller organisations to access European funding through animation and mentoring of formal and informal volunteering groups in Powys
  • Assisted the bottom up development and piloting of micro initiatives in communities across Powys, combined with the adaptation of existing services delivering health and wellbeing benefits to local residents
  • Enhanced the capacity of Third-sector organisations and local volunteers to plan and deliver projects in their communities
  • 36 applications were received in total for the two rounds advertised in the summer of 2021 for a total of £113,715.77.  


Twelve projects were funded around the county of Powys for a total of £35,966.57.

A broad range of project activity was covered by the groups, focussing on health and general wellbeing.  Activities were imaginative and new within the communities they were being tested in.  Some activities were delivered online to help to increase accessibility for those who faced barriers to participation.  Groups were keen to have face to face activities following long periods of lockdown.

A wide range of beneficiaries from young to old benefitted from the project from babes in arms to older people.  Groups found new community members engaging with their activities, perhaps as a result of Covid and the impact it has had.
Health and wellbeing of all participants was improved by their involvement in the funded projects.  Both mental health and physical health benefits were reported, as well as increased confidence and reduced isolation with new community connections being made.  Another benefit is that local organisations linked together and connected, with signposting being regularly undertaken for beneficiaries to access services they needed.  Local venues also experienced increased use of facilities and awareness of other activities they provide.

Further project information:

Michele Muireasgha
Telephone number:
01597 822 191
Email project contact
Project website:
Social media: