From Black to Green

The aim of the project is to create a multi-faceted community hub, delivering a range of services and activities that will deliver outcomes around health & well-being, economic development, and sport. The community hub will work with partners such as ABMU Health Board and the local Primary Care Centre, as well as Neath Port Talbot College and Swansea University to deliver a programme of opportunities as well as health and well-being sessions as part of a scheme of social prescribing. Funding is now being sought to develop a formal, professional feasibility study to draw together the raw data and research on the concept, articulate its viability and set out the business case. A feasibility study which will explore what facilities are currently available and what gaps there are. 
The project at this stage is deliberately broad in scope due to the nature of a community hub and the desire to meet community need. However, there has been efforts to focus the scope on the concept of social prescribing - working closely with local GP surgery and ABMU services so that people at risk of physical and mental ill health such as coronary heart disease and depression can, where appropriate be prescribed with social and sporting activities rather that medication. In addition, the delivery of a feasibility study will help us focus the scope even further to work out what is feasible and what is not. 

The planned community hub will offer volunteering opportunities to those furthest away from the job market, as a route to employment, but also to those who are seeking social opportunities as a means to tackle the risk of mental health issues or loneliness. It will also provide a space for new business start-ups and those looking to expand, it will also play host to a community café that offers fresh healthy meals in a community where they are scarcely available.


Project details

Funding amount:
Funding source:
LEADER Local Development Fund
Neath Port Talbot


Jeffrey Davies
Telephone number:
07812 086205
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