Conwy Green Toilets

The aim of the project is to contract a specialist company to survey, and prepare a report on the potential of each of Conwy's rural public toilets to be developed and to operate in a green, low carbon way.
Following a call out, it is intended that the company specializing in sustainable technology will visit all of Conwy's rural public toilets (10 in total).

They will inspect the buildings, talk to the building managers for details of its use, and prepare and provide a report recommending how changes can benefit the management of the toilets.

This project will not fund any changes, but the report will explain the options available to the building managers.

The report can look at the option of installing solar panels, creating a "bore-hole", installing a small wind turbine, and how to re-use rainwater, and highlight which option would be best for each building.

Project details

Funding amount:
EAFRD (WG RC_RDP Wales) contribution
Funding source:
LEADER Local Development Fund


Rhys Evans
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